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New interdepartmental postgraduate program on Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning of Engineering School

The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and the Department of Industrial Design and Production Engineering co-organize a new Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in the...

Book award for the Professor Argiris Tsakiris of the University of West Attica by...

The international acclaim of scientific books written by Greek University Professors in Greek language and in Greek edition is not common. They usually go...

A new, unique in Greece, Master is offered by the University of West Attica

The department of Graphics and Visual Communication (DVC) of UniWA, offers a new, innovative and extrovert program of post-graduate studies in ANIMATION. The application...

International elevation of the University of West Attica in “green” practices

The international ranking list of universities “UI GreenMetric World University Rankings” of 2020(http://greenmetric.ui.ac.id/) classifies the University of West Attica in the 487th place globally...

A special “Art Book” as a gift from the University of West Attika to...

University of West Attica offered a collectible luxury edition of 350 pages with works of art by 38 painters, sculptors and engravers, all professors...

Establishment of a European department of the American actor “Educational leaders without borders” and...

The holding of the Biennial Meeting/ Conference of the American actor “Educational Leaders Without Borders” (ELWB) on the 2nd-4th of June 2021 at the...

Scientific team of the Department of Food Science and Technology was distinguished in a...

A distinction in the foreign competition “INNIVARGO” was achieved by the scientific laboratory team of Quality Control and Food and Drink Safety in the...

First prize in European Competition for an academic from the University of West Attica

Ioannis Koumpouros, assistant professor in the Department of Public and Community Health in Public Health School, won the first award in the European Competition...

Migration and COVID-19: Webinar organization by the Department of Public Health Policy

The department of Public Health Policy in cooperation with the School of Public Health of Rutgers University (RSPH), USA, organizes a webinar about the...

International Distinction for the University of West Attica

The Water Research Prize of the World Architecture Festival 2020 was awarded to a three-member research team from the University of Patras and the...