For the first time, the International conference of the Non-Profit Organization Educational Leaders Without Borders (ELWB) was held outside the USA in collaboration with a non-American educational institution. In particular, the work of ELWB and the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) was conducted at the University of West Attica, within the framework of the Leadership & Innovation Laboratory of the School of Administrative, Economic & Social Sciences (https://lilab.uniwa.gr/en) under the direction of Professor Anna Saiti of the Department of Early Childhood Education & Care, School of Administrative, Economic & Social Sciences. The co-organization of this international conference has given added value to the strategy of extroversion and internationalization followed by the University of West Attica, the Department of Early Childhood Education & Care and the Laboratory of Leadership & Innovation. More specifically, it has facilitated prospects for further collaboration towards the development of innovative educational services with US Universities such as Purdue University (at the doctoral level) and Florida State University (at the master’s level) in the academic field addressed by the Department of Early Childhood Education & Care.

During the conference, where researchers and educators from all over the world met and analyzed all the issues concerning the educational reality worldwide, practical solutions emerged for the implementation of a truly progressive leadership in order to advance human well-being. Progressive leadership is rooted in human values and respect for people, with an emphasis on the active participation of individuals and on interaction with society. Progressive leadership is the way forward to shape future decisions and changes. It provides a basis for the moral treatment of, and reflection on, the reality as well as a vision with a strong moral philosophy. The theme of the conference was Global Progressive Leadership and the key topics addressed were:
- Educational politics of the nation/state and human values
- Educational economics, policy, law and tradition
- Confronting the realities and hazards of climate change
- Displacement of students, locally and globally
- School violence ̶ trends and dilemmas
- Digital challenges and solutions to enhance student growth
- Curriculum contradictions and paradoxes
- Leadership perspectives that challenge traditions and practices
- Other topics related to the theme
The international organization “International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership” (ICPEL) has as its main subject the study of educational leadership and its members are mainly US University Professors with expertise in the field. ICPEL has created an extensive and expanding database of peer-reviewed journals and books. In addition, ICPEL is the only organization that publishes books focused on the economics of education and tailored to the legislative framework and education policy of each US state.

The international organization Educational Leaders Without Borders (ELWB) has created a global network of University professors, education executives and educators with the aim of promoting inclusive leadership. Given that a fundamental objective of education is to satisfy the needs of all social groups, ELWB has established a deeply social mission, contributing significantly to the formation of a more coherent, progressive and social educational policy and practice.